Tech Tour Athens, Caius in front of investors

We met at the Corallia Space Investor Day, which took place as part of Tech Tour South East 2023, one of Europe's largest investment events, aimed at supporting and promoting relevant companies from the space ecosystem. There were also more than 200 entries with the presence of investors, business partners and other expert guests, resulting in a day of remarkable moments!

Caius, represented by its CEO, Giorgos Mendrinos, presented its new product, DRUITER, an app for every nature lover!

The experience of the presentation and in combination with the supportive comments from the attendees, contributed to the creation of fertile ground to continue the "production" of innovative products, constantly improving the existing ones!

Finally, we would like to warmly thank Corallia, a unit of the Athena Research Center, coordinator of the European Space Agency's incubator in Greece (ESA BIC Greece), the Greek cluster in the field of Space Technologies and Applications (si-Cluster) and also the team of the Tech Tour South East for the opportunities and support they offer us through the event!